Its not about the money
Why some of the greatest things we’ll ever do may not have an income attached.
Recently I was catching up with a friend who was explaining their frustration at what we’ll call the plateau. That feeling of, is this all worth it?
You had an idea, you launched it, it did well, now what?
I guess it’s like a relationship. When its new and fresh, damn every date feels exciting as hell. Where will we go, where will we end up, butterflies and all. As the relationship progresses and you become more used to each other sometimes that initial excitement drops slightly and I suppose thats what I mean with my friends’ example and as with any relationship you have to work at it to keep it fresh, interesting and growing.
Any project is like that I imagine and thats maybe where my friend is up to now. Trying to see the next phase whilst maybe not embracing how far they have come to get here. I guess I’m in this situation a little with this book. I wrote it, printed it, sold out all within a year end to end pretty much so it was a day to day exciting project. Someone asked me the other day “is it profitable to write a book?”. I mean, if you get a solid book deal it could be. I did ask quite a lot of people and some gave advice of self publishing, some said to write a few chapters then try and get a deal. Others said “never self publish” but I was so obsessed with the project itself I didn’t want to wait around for anyone else to give me the green light. I estimated we could break even (which we just about did) and that was good enough for me.
Sometimes creating something, working on a project, having a personal interest in the background is worthwhile enough and honestly is more valuable than monetary value attached. On my resume on LinkedIn I have a few jobs listed that I’ve done and then way down below it says “projects” in which I list the two things I’ve done that never made me any money which were probably the two most influential things I did so far in my life :-
Making a snowboard film Hungerpain and writing The Anti Blueprint Project
Both project’s it was as if I got hit by a bolt from the blue that this was my calling for the next year. No clue why, no clue how much just both times it felt right. Both just a case of here’s where we want to get too, let’s try and figure this out. It feels like much like going to college half the battle is just getting the project out the door. Maybe I should petition linkedin to put projects up top, employment history second.
With Hungerpain, whilst effectively having no real plan for the future, creating that series of film projects it meant that I was able to build out sponsor proposals, oversee production, host events. That led to my first real job with any real career path associated. There was no mention of if I studied when they hired me just asking questions about getting this project out the door. It was fairly similar with this book and a couple new projects I took on, its more the ability to create and follow through which counted. I have a few friends who have projects going on like this so will list them out in a follow up blog post. I guess as we all get older the vision of our future gets into clearer focus and need for income along with it, but what i tell myself as a parent its showing our kids (and ourselves) the value that comes from creating something. Even if its just for the sake of doing the damn thing.
Through this process of writing a book the other thing I’ve noticed is the amount of people i have met or spent more time with through this project who are on a similar path. Creating something just because they have that in built desire to have their work into the world. I applaud everyone of them. A few to check out:
3vies an independent magazine about living life intentionally
Palm and Pine a vegan, organic skincare brand
Unboxing a podcast about questioning the status quo and living life outside the box
Looking Sideways a podcast and events series organised focused on action sports and other related endeavours
Tonsser a football community for the next generation of players
Demi a community platform for lovers of food and drink
Each of the people behind these projects are pouring their heart and soul into this business and figuring out the road ahead as they drive it. Sometimes, as I say the best thing about a project is the people you meet along the way.
So next time you have an idea, why not scratch that itch and get after it. Go ahead, do it, see where it takes you, it could just be that thing that changes your trajectory. Doesn’t matter how big or small, but something where you are the master of your own destiny, damn it will feel good. If I can help or you need motivation, reach out and ask, I’m happy to lend an ear.
To round out, to my friend who was feeling that frustration. What you’ve created is wonderful, it will continue to grow and in a few years you’ll look proudly back at this thriving business you have, but for today, take a moment to reflect on how far you have come. You did the hardest parts of creating it in the first place now revel in your own success for bringing this to life. Sometimes going your own way can be a lonely road and one which doesn’t include idle coffee room chatter so we maybe analyse things way more than working for someone else. Just remember we’re all here for you.